Atlanta, Ga. 6/25/2010 9:51:42 PM
News / Law

German Court Legalizes Patient Approved Euthanasia

A German court has recognized a dying patient’s right to be removed from life support, legalizing euthanasia in cases that involve an expressed desire by a patient not to be kept alive by artificial means.


The ruling by the Federal Court of Justice dealt specifically with a case involving a lawyer who had been handed a nine-month suspended sentence for advising a woman to cut the feeding tube of her comatose mother. The mother, who had fallen into a coma in 2002 and had been in a vegetative state for five years, had earlier said she did not want to be kept alive artificially.


While the hospital reinserted the feeding tube after discovering that it had been removed the woman, in her seventies, passed away two weeks later from heart failure.


The court was careful to point out that the ruling did not legalize active assisted suicide but only applied to passively assisting death through the patient-approved removal of artificial life support.


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