If you are interested in making money using your email autoresponder, then you absolutely must understand 3 things about the "Lizard Brain" or primitive part of the human brain, and how it makes us respond to messages from an email autoresponder. This information is so powerful it's actually scary.
Now, to be clear, I am not talking about making a "little bit" of money here and there with your email autoresponder - if you want to do that, you probably can do it just fine without knowing anything about the Lizard Brain.
But if you want to know how to make thousands of dollars a day using an email autoresponder (for example I brought in $9,300 yesterday from my email autoresponder) then you absolutely must understand the Lizard Brain and what it means for the messages you send out through your email autoresponder.
Here's the 3 things you must know about the primitive "Lizard" part of the brian and email autoresponders. If you understand this properly, you will never use your email autoresponder the the same way again.
Email Autoresponders & Lizard Brains Secret #1:
The primitive, or "Lizard" part of the human brain responds to primitive, fear-based messages that it picks up from it's environment. Stranger on the doorstep...red colored street sign...or message from an email autoresponder - it makes no difference to the Lizard Brain. If the message relates to danger, fear and needs an immediate response, this part of the brain is there and ready to act.
Email Autoresponders & Lizard Brains Secret #2:
This is the part of the brain that goes, "Oh, the pan on the stove is burning. Let's grab the pan and take it off the burner." It doesn't think, "Oh, let's grab a potholder first" or, "Time to buy a new pan, I think those pans at Home Depot are on sale this week." The Lizard Brain takes action in response to environmental stimuli and it does so without thinking. It knows the other parts of the brain can think about it later.
What does that mean for your email autoresponder? Read on...
Email Autoresponders & Lizard Brains Secret #3:
You can use the higher part of your brain and your email autoresponder to make more money if you understand the first 2 secrets about the Lizard Brain. Here's how.
First, using the Lizard Brain to make your email autoresponder more profitable is all about the "subject line." What you put in the subject line of the messages in your email autoresponder is what gets your email opened or not - and here's where most people mess this part up.
They try to write the subject lines in their email autoresponder for the "higher" parts of the human brain, not for the Lizard part of the human brian. For example, they might write:
"Get 10% Off Pans At Home Depot Today!"
That appeals to the Homo Sapiens part of the brain, the analytical part that is able to think ahead, calculate percentages, etc. This is death for a subject line in an email autoresponder. This part of the brain analyzes, it does not take action quickly.
Some people try to tap down a little further in their email autoresponder subject lines, into the Mammalian part of the brain, and they write a subject line like:
"Do You Have A Problem With Burned Food? Help is Here."
The problem here is that the Mammal part of the brain still doesn't respond all that quickly. It might take notice and respond more readily than the analytical part of the brain, but it does not respond nearly as fast as the Lizard part of the brain. Again, this spells death for your email autoresponder profits.
Here's how to write an email subject line in your email autoresponder to get the notice of the Lizard Brain.
Ah, yes. That gets the Lizard Brain to sit up and take action, even if the other two brains haven't had their coffee yet and are still asleep. That gets the ol' Lizard Brain to move - in this case, click on the email and open it. Then, the other two parts of the brain can kick in and start reading. Then, you will have plenty of time to talk about pans and why they might want to get one on sale today.
This "Lizard Brian" secret literally means gold for your email autoresponder. It means the difference between 500 clicks a day, and 2,500 clicks a day - which means 2,000 more people who will see your advertising messages in your email autoresponder.
To learn more about how to set up your email autoresponder to make a much money as possible from your marketing efforts (and the 3 other components you need to have in place to do so) just click on the link below and I will help you out.