Los Angeles, CA 7/2/2010 3:39:18 AM
News / Law

Los Angeles Elder Law Attorney Jane McNamara Discusses Senior Citizens and Elder Law

Los Angeles Elder Law Attorneys like Jane McNamara have a unique ability to help senior citizens. In this article, Elder Law lawyer Jane McNamara discusses the connection between senior citizens and the growing field of elder law.

As the elderly population grows, their needs (both legal and medical) are also growing. The growing legal field of Elder Law can help senior citizens navigate through their legal and health-related decisions. In the 2000 census, there were almost 35 million Americans 65 years of age or older. With the aging of baby-boomers, our 2010 census will undoubtedly reveal a tremendous increase in our senior population.

California has the largest number of elderly in the United States, and it has been predicted that this state's elderly population will increase by almost 80 percent between 2000 and 2025. With the aging of America, we unfortunately see an increase in age-related illness, injuries related to falls, complications of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and need for care both inside and outside of the home.

Elder Law attorneys are well-versed in the numerous and complex issues that often arise as a consequence of aging. Many senior and elderly clients wisely seek the services and advice of an Elder Law attorney before a crisis arises. These clients have Elder Law attorneys prepare their trusts, power of attorney documents, wills, healthcare directives, and other important documents. Many clients also seek the services of Elder Law attorneys when dealing with illness and long-term care needs, or when they are trying to remain in their own home without outliving their money.

Elder Law attorneys deal with issues ranging from the intricacies of Medi-Cal planning to avoid impoverishment of a well spouse when an ill spouse must move to a nursing home, to protecting the rights of seniors facing unsafe discharges from hospitals. Additional Elder Law issues also involve Medicare benefits, home health care, Social Security, nursing home issues, and VA benefits. Elder Law attorneys also advise trusted agents or family members on managing the ill or incapacitated person's finances, and issues related to making health care decisions and dealing with medical providers.

Even persons in good health, as they grow older, must plan for the eventuality of a period of incapacity, illness, and the possibility of requiring assistance and care. Without advance planning, spouses and families are often thrust into extremely difficult situations. It is best to seek the assistance of an Elder Law attorney before a crises arises. For more information, please visit http://www.janemcnamara.com/ and/or call 661-287-3260. Ask about Jane's exciting option known as "Life Care Planning."

Los Angeles Elder Law Attorney Jane McNamara is a member of the national attorney network on LawyerCentral.com.

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