Denver, CO 4/11/2008 9:20:26 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Releases News on Asbestos Contaminated Housing Project That Where Crews Hid Asbestos Leak with Dirt updated its mesothelioma blog with reports of an asbestos contamination that was concealed with piles of dirt by construction crews who were clearing the area for an affordable housing project. The contamination not only increased the risk of exposure to asbestos and thus development of mesothelioma for individuals in the area, but increased the cost of the affordable housing project by five times the originally estimated amount. Individuals living in the area may have been exposed to asbestos fibers and are urged to contact a medical professional as soon as possible. Additionally, Americans who may have been exposed to asbestos should also contact an experienced mesothelioma law firm.

Asbestos is derived vermiculite, a mineral that was heavily mined in the 20th Century. Asbestos was prized for its ability to insulate buildings with a decreased risk of catching fire. It was used for all types of constructions including schools, offices, homes and apartment buildings. However, after discovering that
asbestos exposure caused a deadly lung disease among exposed individuals, mining stopped and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was charged with the task of cleaning up any asbestos. Mesothelioma cancer, which is an untreatable form of lung cancer, is often the outcome for individuals who were previously exposed to asbestos. Those who feel they are at risk for this illness should locate an attorney to explore the possibility of a mesothelioma lawsuit.

The area known as North Miamiís Pioneer Gardens was expected to house 136 units for low-income individuals. However, when a contractor began digging, it was discovered that workers who had previously cleared the site had inadvertently caused an asbestos leak when underground pipes containing the contaminant were broken. The workers allegedly covered the leak with piles of dirt and it was left until just recently when digging began. It can take years to develop the cancer and even then a mesothelioma diagnosis is often overlooked, causing the cancer to spread among its victim. To learn about the potential for monetary compensation, individuals are advised to contact an experienced
mesothelioma lawyer for an attorney consultation on their individual case.

Other issues that are covered on LegalViewís website, which have largely negatively impacted thousands of Americans recently, include several prescription drugs ñ Chantix, Singulair, as well as Vytorin and Zetia. Chantix is a smoking cessation drug that is prescribed to millions of Americans struggling to quit their tobacco addiction. In late 2007, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began receiving reports from patients taking Chantix that the drug was linked with instances of depression, erratic behavior and suicidal tendencies and thoughts. Overall, nearly 400 individuals reported this behavior and the drug was also allegedly linked to 37 suicides among patients. The FDA quickly began investigating the drug and are currently studying the
Chantix side effects to determine the drug’s dangers.

Similar to the dangerous side effects that have been associated with Chantix, are those that have been linked to Singulair, also a prescription drug, which is given to patients who suffer from severe asthma and allergy symptoms. However, in March 2008, reports began to surface about Singulair’s potentially dangerous side effects, which may include mood and behavior changes including suicidal behavior among adults and children. The FDA is currently investigating the
Singulair risks that may exist with taking this drug. Vytorin and Zetia are similar in that both are prescription drugs used to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease among patients. Often Vytorin and Zetia are used in combination of each other and both are manufactured from Merck/Shering-Plough. Recently, the company made headlines because of an extensive study that was completed in 2006 on the two drugs, which detailed the benefits, or lack thereof, of the medications. However, the Zetia and Vytorin manufacturer allegedly delayed the release of the study to the public because findings that Vytorin and Zetia were not as effective as cheaper alternatives. This information has prompted many patients to consider a