College bound students now have a summer camp program just for them. Quantum U is an 8-day program that helps high school graduates make the transition into college by imparting practical life and learning skills that students require to succeed in college.
Students who attend the summer program acquire techniques to manage their time, energy, and finances, and gain extensive training in college-level communication, presentation, writing, and reading skills.
Kevin Davis, a Quantum U facilitator, says the program is unique because, “Quantum U helps students transition from the attitude and skills of a youth to the attitude and skills of an adult. They learn to go from the mindset of ‘things happen to me’ to ‘I make things happen for me’.”
Quantum U is a program developed by the same people who created SuperCamp, a learning and life skills academic summer camp for middle school and high school students that launched in 1982 and has graduated over 48,000 students worldwide. An important aspect of both SuperCamp and Quantum U is that students learn how to learn, meaning they discover their own learning style and they are taught several practical learning techniques in the areas of note-taking, studying and memorization.
Mr. Chapon stated that Quantum U will be held at