South Orange , New Jersey 4/16/2008 3:36:00 AM
News / Art

NICKEL, a new screen play by REGINE DUBONO, to be set to music by Jody Rubel of SM ( band)

Not a Nickel in my Pocket and a Bikini on my skin

NICKEL, a screen play by Regine Dubono is available from

and may be purchased at stores.  Or by calling 973-378-5808


Nickel is a  play about the Pegasus Players 1961 performing tour of German universities sponsored by Fairleigh Dickinson. With their airfare paid by the generosity of the internationally minded Dr. Peter Sammartino, The Pegasus Players embarked for 16 German universities towns, where they performed two plays by German-American playwright Nomi Rubel, a resident of the Lincoln Towers in NYC, a native of Hanover, and a lover of the Hartz mountains.


Once there, they connected with Tanta Baby, in the German town of Hanover.  Tanta Baby was a survivor of concentration camps.


Because the trip was undertaken on a shoe string budget, the cast slept in youth’s hostels, the girls slept in one room and all the men in another.  There was no special headquarters for a married couple in 1961, and when the newly wed narrator finds herself separated from her new husband., we hear about it.. 


The play is based on Regine Dubono’s short novel:  “Youth’s Hostels” or How to Travel with a Group on a Shoe string Budget.”  The narrator is the 21 year old wife of one of the actors, who happens to show signs of OCD (washing hands rituals etc) and is newly pregnant.