Denver, CO 4/21/2008 7:03:58 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Announces New Complete Resource for Victims of Erb's Palsy

Denver, CO - LegalView, your number one resource for everything legal on the Web, recently launched its complete resource for those individuals effected by the medical condition known as Erb's palsy. The Erb's palsy site, located at, provides in depth information on a variety of aspects relating to this tragic condition that occurs in approximately one out of every one thousand births in the United States, according the National Institute of Health. The Erb's palsy information resource is designed to aid victims of this condition and their families in understanding what is Erb's palsy as well as the factors that can result in the condition during a live birth procedure.

These factors are usually related an incidence of
shoulder dystocia, which is a type of difficulty that can arise during child-birth, where the shoulder of the infant cannot pass below the pubic bone of the mother, requiring significant manipulation to complete the birth. Shoulder dystocia is diagnosed by the attending physician when the infant's shoulders fail to deliver immediately following the fetal head. In the event of an event such as this where there is a baby stuck in birth canal, there is the distinct possibility for shoulder nerve damage. This nerve damage can manifest in a number of ways, one of which is known as a brachial plexus injury.

Such brachial plexus injuries occur when the network of nerves that connect the spine to the shoulder, hand and arm (known as the brachial plexus) are damaged in some way. This can occur as a result of a number of factors, however is commonly the result of improper handling of the birth by the attending physician. The injuries can vary in severity between quite mild and severe, with an injury that results in paralysis referred to Erb's palsy. While many cases of Erb's palsy will not result in permanent damage to an infant, in some cases there are lasting effects. One notable American to be afflicted with Erb's palsy is the actor Martin Sheen, with the result of his condition clearly discernable in the way he cannot raise both arms in order to put on a suit coat on the NBC series "The West Wing".

For those who may need legal advice relating to potential medical malpractice associated with Erb's palsy, the Erb's palsy information resource site also functions as a legal resource. Upon reaching the site, in addition to reading important information regarding Erb's palsy, the site also offers information on what constitutes
Erb's palsy malpractice. Visitors can also utilize the site's attorney referral service to be put in touch with an Erb's Palsy law firm in their area that may provide details on how best to approach any potential Erb's palsy lawsuits. Because Erb's palsy cases can be quite complex, it may be in the best interest of anyone affected by this condition, or their family, to consider contacting an experienced Erb's palsy attorney.

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