Atlanta, GA 4/21/2008 10:24:49 AM
News / Education

Student Ryan Schallenberger Plotted to Bomb Chesterfield High School

A South Carolina high school senior was arrested Saturday on accusations that he was plotting to bomb his school. Ryan Schallenberger, 18, was arrested after his parents found a detailed journal on how he planned to bomb Chesterfield High School.

Chesterfield police chief Randall Lear said the teen’s parents contacted police after they found the journal and 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate was delivered to their home. In the journal, Schallenberger wrote how he admired the Columbine killers. The journal, which Schallenberger had kept for more than a year, also included a map of his school.


Lear said that Schallenberger planned to make several bombs with ammonium nitrate and had all the supplies needed to carry out his plan. “The only thing left was delivering the bombs,” Lear added.


The troubled teen also had prepared an audio tape to be played after he died explaining why he planned the suicide bombing. Schallenberger is being held in the Chesterfield County jail until a bond hearing on Monday. He has been charged with possessing materials to make bombs.


According to Chesterfield High School principal Scott Radkin, Schallenberger had good grades and never got into trouble.  


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