Atlanta, Ga. 4/21/2008 9:21:23 PM
News / Law

Ryan Schallenberger, Teen Accused of Plotting “Columbine-like” Attack, to Appear in Court Monday

Ryan Schallenberger is scheduled to appear in court on Monday following his arrest two days ago after police received a call from his parents notifying them that their son appeared to be planning an attack on his high school.


Schallenberger’s parents called police on Saturday after 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate was delivered to their Chesterfield, S.C. home. The oxidizing agent is often used in manufacturing explosives and was used in the Oklahoma City bombings that killed nearly 200 people in 1995.


After searching Schallenberger’s room it was apparent that the 18-year-old had been planning an attack on Chesterfield High School but no date had been set. According to a journal found in Schallenberger’s room the teen was planning a “Columbine followup,” referencing the Colorado attacks that left a total of 25 students and teachers dead.


Schallenberger was scheduled to appear at a bond hearing on Monday afternoon.


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