Atlanta, Ga. 7/7/2010 11:29:53 PM
News / Law

Former Panamanian Leader Manuel Noriega Sentenced to Seven Years by French Court

Panama’s former military ruler Manuel Noriega has been sentenced to seven years in jail following his conviction by a French court on money laundering charges.


Noriega spent more than 20 years in U.S. prisons before being extradited to France to face charges of using French banks to launder drug money in the 1980s. The 76-year-old denied those charges and insisted he was being set up by the CIA.


Along with the seven year sentence the French court also ordered nearly $3 million of his assets seized. According to the prosecution Noriega had laundered about $3 million from Colombia’s Medellin drug cartel and that money was then used to purchase real estate in Paris.


Noriega had become Panama’s de facto ruler in 1983 and remained in power until U.S. troops invaded the country in 1989 and in 1990 he was arrested by troops. He is still facing a 20-year sentence in Panama.


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