Parents looking for the perfect high school graduation gift should consider giving their college-bound kids an 8-day trip to
This summer program is both meaningful and has lasting value, according to
Quantum U uses Quantum Learning accelerated learning methods to prepare students not only for college success but for their future careers, as well. Kevin Davis, a Quantum U facilitator, puts it this way, “Quantum U helps students transition from the attitude and skills of a youth to the attitude and skills of an adult. They learn to go from the mindset of ‘things happen to me’ to ‘I make things happen for me’.”
At Quantum U, students learn practical skills for college and life including how to read faster, comprehend more, improve their memory, communicate better, study more effectively, make sound decisions, write with impact, manage their energy, take responsibility for personal finances, and take ownership of every choice and action.
Quantum U graduates feel the program has significant valuable. “I met some incredible people who pushed me to a level I never thought existed in me,” said Craig McKenna. Anna Loescher commented that, “It is one of the best experiences one could have in their life, and there is no place with an atmosphere so great.”
The program is held at