07/08/2010 7/9/2010 7:54:29 AM
News / Business

Can An Email Autoresponder Make You More Attractive?

Make You More Attractive

A red corvette...nice abs...or an email autoresponder. Which one would most people say can make you more attractive to the opposite sex?


My guess is, having an email autoresponder wouldn't be your first guess. I mean, the word "geek" just instantly springs to mind, right? But consider these points and you may change your mind.


Email Autoresponder Attractiveness Factor #1: Independent Wealth.


First question: if someone was independently wealthy, would that make them more attractive as a possible life partner? Maybe not to some, but in my experience having few or little money worries can contribute lots to someone's "attractive factor." And having an email autoresponder has been the key to independent wealth for not only myself, but many internet entrepreneurs in the past 10 years.


Email Autoresponder Attractiveness Factor #2: Confidence.


I don't know about you, but overall confidence is one of the most attractive qualities I can think of. And, if having an email autoresponder gives you more confidence - the kind of confidence that comes of being your own boss, having to answer to no one, and setting your own schedule day after day - then I would have to say "another point scored" for having an email autoresponder.


(Not to mention that having an email autoresponder can give you a following of thousands of loyal fans. Ever wanted a rock-star lifestyle? If you can't play guitar, having an email autoresponder is the fastest way to become "famous" to a large group of people that I know of. And the best part is, while the fans of rock stars support their heroes only by way of "industry middle-men" - MY fans pay me directly for my time, all by way of my email autoresponder.)


Email Autoresponder Attractiveness Factor #3: World Travel.


Margaritas on a white sand beach...exploring the mountains of Norway by rail...sleeping in a snowy white bed in the hippest city in New Zealand...ok, just tell me that world travel can't make you seem just a little bit sexier. But what do the mountains of Norway have to do with an email autoresponder? Plenty.


That's because, once again I have to say that the world travel I have done (and I've actually done all the things just listed above) has all been due to the fact that I own - and use - an email autoresponder. In fact, without my trusty email autoresponder at my side, I would have done not one of the amazing things you just read about.


Verdict: In my experience, traveling the world with your sweetheart is totally sexy; and if having an email autoresponder lets you travel the world with your sweetheart, then I say my email autoresponder is the hottest thing I own. Forget red Corvettes.


Of course you are probably wondering how on earth my email autoresponder has allowed me (and many, many other internet-savvy, world traveling millionaires i know) to achieve independent wealth, confidence, and the ability to travel the world, all within the past 5 years? I am happy to tell you. Just click the link below to find out exactly how I did it, simply using an ordinary email autoresponder.