Atlanta, Ga. 4/25/2008 1:23:59 AM
News / Law

T-Shirt Declaring “Bush Lied – They Died” Leads to Soldier’s Family Filing Lawsuit

A t-shirt declaring “Bush lied – They died” with the names of several soldiers who have been killed in the war in Iraq is now the subject of a lawsuit filed by the parent’s of one of those soldiers.

Robin and Michael Read have filed a lawsuit claiming that Dan Frazier has intentionally inflicted emotional harm by including their son’s name, Spc. Brandon Michael Read, on the shirt. The parents initially called Frazier and requested that he remove Brandon’s name but the Flagstaff, Arizona man refused.

Frazier has claimed that he is protected by the First Amendment and has said he would continue to print the shirt because he felt the message was important.

Robin and Michael Read are seeking $10 million in compensatory and punitive damages.

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