Atlanta, Ga. 4/30/2008 11:00:27 PM
News / Law

Islanders from Lesbos Fighting to Reclaim Identity as Lesbians

For residents of the Greek Island of Lesbos the struggle to protect their identity has gone on long enough and now three of these residents have asked the court to order the Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece to drop the “L” word.


Residents of Lesbos are commonly identified as Lesbians, an identity that has existed for thousands of years, and it seems the confusion with gay groups who have adopted the name over the past few decades has caused enough grief that change is needed. According to plaintiff Dimitris Lambrou “My sister can't say she is a Lesbian. Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos.”


The three plaintiffs, two of whom are women, insist that their problem is not with gay rights nor is their plea a target of hate but rather a quest to regain their Lesbian identity. The lawsuit, which will be heard in June, targeted the Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece because it is the only officially registered gay group in Greece to use the word in its name.


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