Words have the power to build people up and tear people down. As Buckminster Fuller said, “No language is neutral; everything is either a positive or a negative.” Words can be used to uplift and enlighten, or depress and destroy. People have complete control over the words they use, and SuperCamp reminds teens to choose them carefully. The first step to doing so is having awareness. Think before you speak. Focus on communication positives: strengths, praise, and encouragement. Handle negatives carefully. Intention is a very powerful tool.
Students at SuperCamp learn life skills such as how to “Speak with Good Purpose,” which is one of the ‘Eight Keys of Excellence,’ along with ‘Integrity,’ ‘Failure Leads to Success,’ ‘This Is It,’ ‘Commitment,’ ‘Ownership,’ ‘Flexibility,’ and ‘Balance.’ They learn that communication is the bridge between people, and the glue that holds all relationships together. This is the natural link that bonds all personal connection of every age and level. Relationships thrive or wither depending on the quality of the communication that serves them.
Speaking with Good Purpose can be a challenge and can take courage, effort, and practice. Yet, when people master this skill, the quality of their relationships will change and they’ll find the satisfaction of deep, meaningful connections with others that may have not happened before. Words are powerful, and can build or destroy.
While at SuperCamp, students learn how to think about their words. They know to ask themselves, “Am I going to say something useful right now?” “Will my words be encouraging or damaging?” Positive communication is a learned habit. It’s a matter of training yourself to monitor your thoughts before they become words. With practice, teens learn to focus on giving words to positive thoughts, to recognize people’s strengths, and to offering praise and encouragement.
By Speaking with Good Purpose, SuperCamp students learn how to harness the power of words. When individuals speak positively, honestly, and directly, with the goal of keeping relationships strong, words cease to be a random force and begin to show their positive power in our relationships and in our lives.
Want to know more about SuperCamp’s summer enrichment programs, the ‘Eight Keys of Excellence’ and ‘Speaking with Good Purpose’? Check out SuperCamp.com, or call 1-800-28-LEARN.