Atlanta, Ga. 5/7/2008 1:22:10 AM
News / Law

Drug Bust at San Diego State University Leads to Nearly 100 Arrests

A five-month undercover investigation launched by the DEA has led to the arrest of nearly 100 students at San Diego State University and the seizure of a massive amount of drugs that included cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine and marijuana.


Agents uncovered several handguns and shotguns as well as a large amount of cash in the bust as well.


San Diego State University President Stephen L. Weber posted a letter on the school’s Web site that read:


“Today's arrests are the direct result of an SDSU-led investigation that began approximately one year ago. All of those arrested in this operation are suspected of selling drugs to our students. If guilty, they have ruined an untold number of lives.


I want to commend the excellent work done by the SDSU Police – who led this investigation. I also want to extend our gratitude to the Drug Enforcement Agency and District Attorney's Office for their outstanding cooperation and support. In addition to the enforcement work done by the SDSU Police, the university provides a variety of programs to educate its students about the dangers of drug use. Drug use is a concern on virtually every campus in our country; SDSU has taken this action to confront it directly.


San Diego State is dedicated to higher learning and to human growth and development. The use and/or trafficking in illegal substances are inconsistent with our values and with the pursuit of our mission. Certainly today's arrests underscore the scope of the challenges universities face as we fight this major societal problem. We are determined to remove people from our community who have placed our students at risk, and to see that they are turned over to the criminal justice system.


Each of the students arrested today have been suspended. They will not be returning to class or taking final exams until completion of due-process review, to which they are entitled under the law. Those who were living in university-managed housing have been evicted.


Today's arrests are a big step forward towards a safer environment for our students, faculty, staff and neighbors. SDSU will continue to do what is necessary – through both enforcement and education – to encourage our students to make the responsible choices to ensure the health and safety of our campus community.”


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