Atlanta, GA 5/7/2008 2:49:03 AM
News / Law

Burglar Nearly Cooks Himself, Restaurant Calls Police

Restaurant owner Rana Escamilla called the police after someone spotted a leg hanging over her restaurant’s grill.  The leg belonged to a suspected burglar who was trapped in an air vent over hot oil.


“He was coming right (over the grill),” says Escamilla.  “He would have skittled right onto the grill and into the oil.  So, basically, we saved his life by calling the police to get him out.”


Restaurant manager Richard Angers noticed the leg dangling from a grill vent in the kitchen.  He immediately called Escamilla who took a picture of the man.  She said “Oh, I could see his leg.  He was in pain.  He was hurting and he was trapped.  That’s a really small opening.”


According to police, the burglar was trying to get into a pharmacy through the vent system.


Firefighters eventually pulled the man out of the vent.


The burglar, Jason Hammond, claims that he fought with his wife and decided to “let some steam out” when he fell in the vent.  He has been charged with burglary.


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