Atlanta, Ga. 5/8/2008 5:23:31 AM
News / Law

Al Sharpton Arrested in New York During Demonstration for Sean Bell

A protest demonstration calling for a federal investigation into the shooting death of 23-year-old Sean Bell led to the arrest of Rev. Al Sharpton, the slain man’s fiancée, and the two men who survived the shooting.

Avery was killed in Nov. 2006 after he left a club in Queens with two friends, one day before he was scheduled to be married. According to police they believed on of Bell’s friends had reached for a gun and that led to a 50-buller assault by the officers that left Bell dead and his two friends injured.

It was later found that none of the three men had been carrying a weapon. Three officers were charged in the shooting but the men were acquitted last month.

Sharpton, Bell’s fiancée, and the two friends had been participating in a protest at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge when they were arrested on Wednesday.

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