Atlanta, GA 5/10/2008 3:18:51 AM
News / Law

Nick Bollea, Son of Hulk Hogan, To Serve Eight Months in Prison

John Graziano Remains In Coma

Nick Bollea, the son of former WWF superstar Hulk Hogan, was sentenced to eight months in prison for reckless driving on Friday.

Bollea, 17, will serve five years of probation and his driver's license is suspended until his 21st birthday.

Bollea was entered an "open plea" Friday in court, meaning the judge will have complete leeway in his sentencing.

Prior to the sentencing, Hogan pleaded with the judge to grant mercy for his son Nick and reiterated the family's love and deep disappointment at the entire situation regarding John Graziano, Bollea's passenger and former best friend.

Bollea was behind the wheel of the Supra when he lost control and slammed into a tree near downtown Clearwater, FL last August.

The accident seriously injured both Bollea and Graziano, who remains in a coma. Graziano is an Iraq War veteran.

Graziano's parents thought that Bollea should do some prison time and the accident wedged a schism in their relationship with Bollea.

Graziano filed a lawsuit against Hogan and his now ex-wife Linda alleges that the parents were negligently liable because they negated Nick's need for speed. They also named Nick and Daniel Jacobs, the person he was racing, as co-defendants.

The lawsuit also claims that Nick negligently operated his Toyota Supra by racing against another car. The Dodge Viper that was driven by Jacobs is owned by Hogan as well.

Since the car crash, Nick lost his sponsorship in a racing sport called "drifting". He had a professional license to participate in drifting races.

Linda Bollea, Nick's mother, was caught on videotape engaging in illegal street racing. The video showed Linda Bollea alongside another car in a Mercedes S600 with her daughter Brooke as a passenger.

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