Denver, CO 5/12/2008 6:32:13 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Updates Avandia Portal with Details of Conclusive Evidence on Link between Avandia and Increased Bone Fractures among Patients, the most comprehensive resource for everything legal on the web, updated its Avandia information portal with details of a study recently conducted by Swiss researchers. The study definitively linked Avandia to early onset osteoporosis and bone fracture among long-term patients. The study compared a diabetic control group of individuals without fractures during an 11-year period to a group of more than 1,000 diabetics diagnosed with bone fractures by British physicians. From 1994 to 2005 researchers found that patients of Avandia had a doubled and, in some instances, tripled chance of developing osteoporosis. Additionally, patients who were on the drug for a 12 to 18-month period saw an even larger increased risk, and patients with the highest risk were those taking Avandia for two years or longer. Type 2 diabetes sufferers who have taken Avandia should speak to a pharmaceutical law firm immediately for help with developing potential Avandia lawsuit to receive monetary compensation for the incurred medical costs associated with the Avandia risks.

Avandia was approved by the FDA in May 1999, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, and quickly became a popular treatment for type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus type 2. According to the American Diabetes Association, an estimated 14.6 million individuals have diabetes and almost 6.2 million are unaware of their diagnosis. Avandia has been reportedly prescribed to nearly 3.5 million diabetes type 2 sufferers in America. Those suffering from this condition and currently taking Avandia should speak with a medical professional about transferring to a different treatment. Additionally, speaking with an experienced Avandia law firm about the potential for an
Avandia osteoporosis lawsuit is advisable. Individuals may have the potential for receiving monetary compensation as a result of the Avandia safety risks.

To learn more about the risks of Avandia, which can also include an increased chance of myocardial infarction, visit Individuals can stay abreast of the latest Avandia news, find information on recent Avandia verdicts, as well as learn about the additional details of Avandia clinical trials. Also, visit the LegalView homepage and browse additional legal issues that may be affecting friends and family. Topics range from mesothelioma cancer treatments to updated news on the Baxter Heparin controversy to the side effects associated with Vytorin and Zetia.

Mesothelioma is a terminal cancer associated with the inhalation of asbestos fibers and asbestos dust. It was used for an array of construction-related purposes in the 20th century including insulation for homes, apartment buildings, schools, universities and government buildings. There are no successful treatments for mesothelioma and because the illness can stay dormant for up to several decades, individuals often live with the disease until symptoms become present and far too difficult to treat. Individuals who have been burdened with this condition should consider speaking to an attorney about developing a
mesothelioma lawsuit for the potential of receiving compensation.

The ongoing Baxter Heparin controversy relates to a batch of the contaminated blood thinner that may have sickened hundreds and be linked with the deaths of at least 80 individuals. Heparin, from Baxter International Corp., is an injectable drug used during surgical procedures to thin blood and avoid the development of blood clots, which can be deadly. The tainted batch was said to have derived from a Chinese manufacturer of the drug, however, officials in China have said that the Heparin could not have derived from their manufacturing plant and likely came from the Baxter New Jersey plant. Officials continue to play the blame game and while there was a
Heparin recall intiated, many were sickened and left with the bill. Those who were given tainted Heparin can get help with locating a pharmaceutical attorney for advice on Heparin litigation by using the attorney locator at

Finally, to learn more about the two cholesterol drugs Vytorin and Zetia, which have been determined to be three times more expensive and less effective than generic versions of the drugs, visitors can use the Vytorin and
Zetia information portals to learn about the drugs and the potential for a lawsuit.

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