Atlanta, GA 5/12/2008 11:16:31 PM
News / Law

New Hampshire Representative Pushes to Impeach Bush and Cheney

Resolution 24 created by Betty Hall urges the US Congress to Impeach the President and Vice President.

87 year old New Hampshire state representative Betty Hall is asking the US Congress to investigate President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and implement their impeachment with her House Resolution 24.


Supports of Resolution 24 accuse Bush and Cheney of putting the nation in an “undeclared, preemptive, never-ending war under false pretenses,” according to the Intelligence Daily.  Rep. Hall states that some of the backers are very concerned about the Bush administration’s decision to eliminate prohibitions against torture.


Rep. Hall is not concerned about the timing, claiming that the “moral imperative of impeachment is too great to ignore.”  Rep Hall is asking the 400 member New Hampshire House, to pass HR 24 and tell Congress, “for God’s sake, it’s time to consider some actual checks and balances.”


HR 24 went to the floor on April 16, in the wake of a local impeachment rally on April, 14, featuring Daniel Ellsberg and Dr. Robert Bowman.  HR 24 is similar to an earlier resolution developed in 2007 in Vermont which stopped at the State Senate.  A new resolution was drafted again in January 2008.  The April 16 floor vote did not pass, 95-227.  It was declared “inexpedient to legislate.”  In order for the resolution to pass, it needs to be taken off of the table by a simple majority vote, which will allow the “inexpedient” tag to be removed and enable the process to continue.


Rep Hill states, “On May 17, I will try again without hesitation,” nothing that New Hampshire independent voters are coming together to support the impeachment.  Many republicans believe HR 24 is a form of revenge for the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.


“It’s not just about Bush and Cheney, its about our Constitution.  Its about finding the truth, justice and restoration of the rule of law.  You cant have a state legislature without a relationship with the federal government,” Hall says.  She also says that starting the impeachment so close to the end of the Bush-Cheney regime is beneficial in the way that it sends a strong message about the need for accountability.


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