Washington D.C. 5/14/2008 4:31:48 PM
News / Politics

Impact of Candidates Like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul

USAElectionPolls.com says that when candidates like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul speak; they bring up important issues. The more mainstream candidates speak in generalities and change positions often according to the website.

Ron Paul is among the most principaled candidates to run for president as he does not waver from his views. And when he has on very rare occassions has given poignant and clear reasons as to why. There's no calling Ron Paul a flip flopper because he sticks to one view.

According to the latest polls, the economy is of the most concern for most Americans and inflation is at the top of the economic worries for Americans. The main stream candidates have done little to talk about inflation. But that has been at the core of Ron Paul's economic portfolio of issues.