Los Angeles 5/14/2008 10:48:14 PM
News / People

Something Is Replacing You As Head Of Household.

Contrast Media Press premiers its 2008 Catalog for bulk sales to patriotic non-profits and large corporations.

"There’s corporate social responsibility and there’s corporate social responsibility," says Publisher John Longenecker. "And for some corporations and non-profits, their idea of it is bringing a message of personal liberty and boldly stating liberty values."

Author and Columnist John Longenecker is now Publisher of Contrast Media Press. CMP specializes in Liberty authors with emphasis on opposing over-dependency on official agencies. He has identified a mandated-dependency industrial complex in America trading in personal freedom and safety as a commodity.

"Our niche is in identifying this mandated dependency policy adverse to the interests of the United States," says Longenecker who began his fourth year in syndication this March.

Dependency in America is an old threat with a new face, he says, given a whale of a boost by high-technology. "We’re not talking reliance on your cell phone or your mail carrier," he hastens, "We’re speaking about predatory policies crafted purely to identify a crisis, freeze the citizen out of the crisis, and mandate compliance with ineffectual, immortal policy."

Contrast Media Press’s liberty books are available at online booksellers in June, but were written for economical bulk purchase by corporations and non-profits who want to deliver a liberty message as their own view of corporate social responsibility or mission.

Noticing a new twist in the ongoing battle between Nanny State activists and citizen, Contrast Media’s Website has a stunning hook, "Something is replacing you as head of household." That ‘something’ isn’t even a Someone anymore, it is now an industrial complex Eisenhower never imagined. Longenecker explains that new high-technology and anti-crime industries give light-speed database leverage over lives now, having formed public/private partnerships thriving on crime and violence, touching every institution now.

"Hurricane Katrina unearthed a dependency that brought shame to five decades of politics," Longenecker noted in his first book, Transfer Of Wealth (2004). "Worse than the Nanny State most think of at first is that the engineered dependency there committed the worst form of abortion, making sure that whole intact families were never born."

"At the same time, Hurricane Katrina’s disaster management and recovery is one example of freezing the citizen out of the process while forcing the citizen to depend more on officials for nearly everything. Self-reliance is discouraged, and if that doesn’t work, confiscations and round-ups are ordered. This formula is cloned in electronic surveillance, gun control, anti-hate programs, family law, education content, zero-tolerance and everywhere throughout our society," Longenecker says.

The move is on to force individuals into needing officials like never before, erasing personal head of household responsibility if they have to, even to the point of official force. This crushes citizen authority for all under our system.

Contrast Media Press serves speakers bureaus, corporate giveaways and non-profits.

Go to www.ContrastMediaPress.com