One of these proven skills is known as “Mind Mapping.” SuperCamp students practice the art of Mind Mapping almost every day during the 10-day summer enrichment program, as it teaches an innovative form of note taking that is much more mentally appealing than the traditional line-by-line style that most students adhere too.
Developed by British author Tony Buzan, Mind Mapping is designed to help the brain break down and process information. SuperCamp students learn that the brain has two different ways of processing information. The left hemisphere processes logic, and the right hemisphere processes visual and creative. The right side likes color, pictures, and emotions. It looks for patterns and is interested in the big picture.
Students at SuperCamp are taught that Mind Maps are made on unlined paper, using color, symbols, pictures and keywords. When making ‘Mind Maps’, campers learn how to elicit both hemispheres of the brain. Mapping is a method for recording ideals that use both pictures and symbols.
Because the brain loves pictures and colors, Mind Mapping helps to take notes quickly and efficiently. Students learn to combine pictures and colors to help tie the learning into their personal connections which makes retention much easier.
Mind Maps use words as well as pictures and symbols. At SuperCamp, students use key works to designate important information. As their notes progress on, so does the Mind Map, until it resembles something like a spider web.
Extensive global research has discovered that most people can’t read their own notes; that’s why Mind Maps encourage clear print, and creative pictures and colors throughout the note-taking process.
For additional information on SuperCamp academic skills and enrollment, parents can call 1-800-285-3276 or visit