Atlanta, Ga. 5/20/2008 4:55:01 AM
News / Law

Philadelphia to Fire Four Officers Involved in Brutal Beating of Three Shooting Suspects

After closely reviewing the video tape depicting a total of 19 officers involved in the brutal beating of three shooting suspects Philadelphia police commissioner Charles Ramsey announced four officers would be fired, four would be disciplined and another eight would undergo additional training for their participation in the attack.


The video, shot by WTXF-TV, clearly showed an all-out assault by the officers as the three suspects were taken from their care and savagely beaten by what appeared to be an uncontrollable swarm of officers.


After the video became public the images drew outrage from civil rights advocates as well as citizens throughout the country. Police involved have insisted the tape did not tell the whole story and that it was important to remember the three men being beaten had led police on a chase and were believed to be involved in a triple-shooting the previous day.


All three men that were beaten have been charged with attempted murder but Ramsey has insisted that did not warrant the officers’ actions. As a result two of the officers would be terminated immediately while another two will be suspended without pay and then fired.


Three more officers are said to be suspended and a fourth, a sergeant at the scene, will be demoted.


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