Atlanta, GA 5/23/2008 5:37:33 AM
News / Law

OJ Mayo Leaves Agents Bill Duffy, Calvin Andrews After Allegations

O.J. Mayo has severed ties with agent Calvin Andrews and his firm Bill Duffy Associates after allegations of NCAA infractions.

Mayo, the former USC guard, Mayo, under National Basketball Players Association rules, can't hire a new agent for 15 days from the time he files paperwork ending his business relationship with BDA.

"Due to the overwhelming intensity of recent allegations regarding the recruitment of O.J. Mayo, we feel that our representation of him is a distraction for he and his family at this time," Calvin Andrews, Mayo's BDA agent, said in a statement released to CNBC.

ESPN's "Outside The Lines" reported earlier this month that Ronald Guillory, a Los Angeles-based event promoter, allegedly provided $30,000 to Mayo. Louis Johnson, a former confidant of Guillory and Mayo, told "Outside The Lines" that Guillory received money from Duffy's firm.

Bill Duffy Associates has denied the claims. Mayo has denied he took money, which would have endangered his collegiate eligibility at USC. USC said that they were unaware of any infractions that Mayo and Guillory could have done.

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