At sixteen years old I began mixing the two at parties or when hanging out with my friends. I was still showing up for school and my social life had never been better, but something was different. I noticed that I was more devious to my family and friends by making excuses and lying to them about where I was going and what I was doing.
"As I got older and continued to use drugs and drink alcohol, I found myself losing interest in my goals and my desire to better myself. I became anti-social and completely oblivious to anything or anyone around me. I wasn’t getting high like I was before; the feeling would wear off in an hour so it would take more drugs to sustain my high. I started experimenting with hallucinogenic drugs like LSD and psychedelic mushrooms. This, added to what I was doing before, brought me to a new plateau of what I thought was just another high. I completely blinded myself to the cycle of drug addiction that I was creating in my life--a cycle that would almost claim my life many times.
"After graduating from high school, I was ready to go out and make things happen for myself, completely neglecting the fact of who I had become--an alcoholic and daily drug user, trying to push myself to just accomplish anything so that I could earn money to support my habit. At this period in my life, I went to college and failed out my freshman year due to poor grades. On top of drinking heavily, I began using cocaine and ecstasy at parties. I got into a bad car accident with a telephone pole while driving under the influence. I was going nowhere in life.
"At this point, my family sat me down and did an intervention. They said, ‘John, you need to get your life together. We found this place in Oklahoma called Narconon Arrowhead that can help you.’ At that point my reality was so skewed that I said, ‘Sure, if it gets me out of Lowell, Massachusetts.’