Los Angeles 5/27/2008 2:41:09 AM
News / Business

Contrast Media Press Adds Color To Social Responsibility Green.

Liberty Book Publisher CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS shows how Corporate Social Responsibility comes not only in Green, but in Red, White and Blue.

"American Liberty is just as important to the custody of the planet as the environment is," says Contrast Media Press Publisher John Longenecker.

"Many, many, consumers are most patriotic, seeing product competition, just waiting to hear a resonance of proactive patriotism from many manufacturers of the products they buy," observes Longenecker. "An unabashed corporate loyalty and gratitude to America can cultivate brand loyalty from customers who never before thought of you in terms of being so proactive on Human Dignity," he adds, "They may be very impressed."

"After all," says Longenecker, "nothing grants dignity like the freedom in a nation of self-rule."

Contrast Media Press inspires patriotic corporations to enunciate their liberty values unabashedly in giving away CMP’s liberty books in creative gift-with-purchase sales promotions, corporate seminars, sponsored events, and other PR opportunities.

"Our titles are most compelling and bold," Longenecker says, "but this is what has been missing, this boldness."

He adds that Green and Red, White and Blue are quite compatible in America because healthy, clean and free are compatible. A company’s corporate outlook of Independence can reach whole new markets, because America is not as divided as some might think. Longenecker observes, "Americans share patriotic values as mainstream values, and will be most pleased to see how their favorite manufacturers prioritize their customers’ personal Independence over the mass marketing of Dependency we see today."

Go to http://www.contrastmediapress.com/social_responsibility.html


Contrast Media Press publishes liberty books opposing increasing dependency on agencies at the expense of citizen authority and personal dignity. Visit their premier catalog at www.ContrastMediaPress.com