Atlanta, Ga. 5/30/2008 12:27:45 AM
News / Law

Parents of Madeleine McCann Under Investigation for Possible Neglect

It has been just over a year since 4-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared from her parent’s rental villa while on vacation in Portugal and now investigators in the case are pushing to charge Kate and Gerry McCann with neglect, a charge that could land them in prison for ten years.


Kate and Gerry McCann left Madeleine, along with her two younger siblings, in the Ocean Club resort apartment in Praia da Luz on the evening of May 3, 2007 while they dined with friends in a nearby restaurant. When they returned they discovered Madeleine was missing and called authorities.


From that point on the parents have been under constant scrutiny from police officials and had been designated as suspects in the case. The police have never developed any solid leads in Madeleine’s disappearance and with a year now past many believe Portuguese investigators are targeting the parent’s to bring relevance to their search.


Police have said the parents were negligent when they left their children alone that night but Kate and Gerry insisted they were only 50 yards away and had not been gone long when the abduction occurred.


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