Atlanta, GA 5/30/2008 12:42:31 AM
News / Law

New York to Recognize Same-Sex, Gay Marriages

New York will soon allow and recognize same-sex marriages, according to a statement by Governor David Paterson on Wednesday.

New York state will recognize gay marriages performed in other states and countries where the unions are legal, according to a memo sent to state agencies by Paterson's counsel.

Massachusetts is the only U.S. state that has legalized same-sex marriage, but based on the state's residency policy, New Yorkers cannot get married there. However, after June 17, California will become the second state to legalize gay marriage.

Contrary to what might be implied, Paterson's decision does not legalize same-sex marriage in New York. The state's highest court, the Court of Appeals, has said it can only be legalized by the Legislature, which failed to pass a proposed measure last year.

However, state agencies, including health care and insurance companies, will have to recognize gay marriages in order to warrant its gay users the same rights afforded to heterosexual married couples.

Gay rights advocates in New York have fought for gay marriages in order for gay couples to share family health care plans, receive tax breaks by filing jointly, enjoy stronger adoption rights and inherit property.

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