Atlanta, Ga. 6/4/2008 12:12:54 AM
News / Law

High School Valedictorian Ordered Deported after Appeal Denied

Arthur Mkoyan worked hard to maintain his perfect 4.0 grade-point-average at Fresno, California’s Bullard High School and it paid off when it earned him the distinction of being his class’s valedictorian but now his American dream may be cut short after Immigration and Customs Enforcement ruled against a final appeal and ordered Mkoyan and his mother to return to their native Armenia.


Mkoyan was allowed to stay in the United States until June 20 so that he can attend his graduation; he has been in the country since 1992 when his family fled the former Soviet Union republic.


There was a bill introduced to Congress last year, the DREAM Act, that would have allowed for high-achieving illegal immigrants the opportunity to attend college but the measure stalled.


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