Los Angeles 6/7/2008 2:18:08 AM
News / Business

CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS Links Human Dignity To Freedom in Corporate Social Responsibility.

CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS works to promote dedication to American Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -- the emphasis is on Human Dignity.

"American Liberty is just as important to the custody of the earth as the Environment is," notes Publisher John Longenecker. Where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is Green today, Longenecker observes that it can just as easily be Red, White and Blue always. John Longenecker is an author and columnist in his own right before forming liberty publishing house CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS.

"The emphasis is on Social," says Longenecker, "and one of the greatest of all endeavors is Human Dignity. From safe streets to freedom from domestic surveillance, human dignity in liberty is not worldwide." 

Longenecker formed Contrast Media Press to relate Liberty to Human Dignity by making Liberty books available in bulk to corporations who love to give back in terms of Freedom and Individual Citizen Authority as their corporate outlook. This can be most distinctive, Longenecker notes, "as consumers are looking for who among their favorite manufacturers will reflect a prioritization of their customers' patriotic liberty values."

"An unabashed corporate loyalty and gratitude to America can cultivate brand loyalty from customers who never before thought of you in terms of being so proactive on Human Dignity," he adds, "Customers may be very impressed."

"..and nothing puts dignity into the Self like Self-rule, " Longenecker notes.


CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS titles are available at discount for non-profit and for-profit corporations in their Corporate Social Responsibility goals. Go to http://www.contrastmediapress.com/social_responsibility.html