Atlanta 8/3/2010 11:35:12 PM
News / Law

An aid of the Rwandan Genocide finally sentenced 25 years

Dominique Ntawukulilyayo of Rwanda was indicted in 2005 and arrested in 2007. Now, in 2010, he finally has been sentenced 25 years for his aid in the Rwandan Genocide.


Now 68, Ntawukulilyayo is indirectly responsible for the murder of over 800,000 Africans, both of the Tutsi and Hutu tribes.


Previously a deputy administrator of the Gisagara District in Rwanda, Ntawukulilyayo led soldiers to an area south of Gisagara, where he knew hundreds of Tutsis had taken refuge. Despite his sentence, however, there is a valid fear that he may be acquitted upon appeal since the sentencing vote was not unanimous.