Denver, CO 6/9/2008 6:35:14 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView's Mesothelioma Blog Informs Readers of Recent Asbestos Fibers Reportedly Discovered on Local Chicago Beach, the most comprehensive resource for everything and anything legal on the Web, informed its mesothelioma information blog readers of a deadly contamination from asbestos on a Chicago beach. The Oak Street Beach, one of 33 beaches in the Chicago Park District frequented by visitors during the summer season, was the recent site of amphibole asbestos contamination. Individuals who may have been exposed to the asbestos fibers should seek medical attention immediately and, additionally, contact an experienced asbestos and mesothelioma law firm.

Amphibole asbestos is considered the most harmful concentration of asbestos to humans because of the high levels of iron and its high resistance to heat and acids, according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Because of these qualities of resistance it was widely popular in industrial furnaces and heating system production. Exposure to asbestos causes a deadly form of cancer known as mesothelioma. This cancer remains dormant in many victims for years and when symptoms eventually begin to show, the cancer is often misdiagnosed with other conditions having similar symptoms. It is advisable that any individual currently suffering from the severity of this cancer, speak with a
mesothelioma lawyer who can provide insight into developing a lawsuit. Because treatment for mesothelioma is difficult and due to the fact that medical bills associated with this illness are often extremely expensive, seeking out an experienced attorney who can explain the details of any possible mesothelioma lawsuit that might result in monetary compensation.

In addition to LegalView's mesothelioma and asbestos information portals, there are hundreds of other legal issues adversely affecting millions of Americans each year, which can be found at the LegalView library. LegalView continues to maintain its position as the best resource for everything legal on the Web and this is apparent through the continually updated legal portals such as the Digitek Digoxin portal, the Levaquin risks portal and the Chantix portal, which contains extensive amounts of information on the serious side effects associated with that prescription drug.

Digitek Digoxin is a prescription drug given to patients suffering from heart rhythm irregularities as well as other congestive heart failures. However, in April 2008, a MedWatch Safety Alert revealed that a
Digitek recall needed to be enacted because of the potential for some of the drug's tablets to contain nearly twice the appropriate dosage of its active ingredient, which could be harmful to patients.

LegalView also recently displayed further developments on its Levaquin practice area after a scientific study linked the drug's use, which treats a range of bacterial infections, to a high risk of tendon rupture. Other
Levaquin side effects can also include pain, inflammation and central nervous system damage.

Also updated recently is the Chantix information portal. Here, readers can find the latest information on the alleged risks associated with taking the drug as well as find out the potential for a
Chantix recall.

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