Atlanta 8/4/2010 10:59:22 PM
News / Law

Arab man manages to delay prison sentence for rape

Sabbar Kashur charged with rape by deception

A man and woman met on a Jerusalem street on a day in the year 2008. Later that day, they had sex--it was completely consensual.


The man was sentenced 18 months in jail and is now under house arrest because the woman went to the police and told them that the man, Sabbar Kashur, had lied to her to get her to sleep with him. He had told her he was Jewish.


In reality, however, Kashur, 30, is of Arab descent. According to him, Kashur never told the Israeli woman that he was Jewish. Instead, he told her that his name was "Dudu," which is a common nickname used for those named "David." Kashur claims that his family and friends know him as Dudu.


Sabbar denies any of kind of deception and appealed against the 18 month sentence, which is why it has now been delayed, though he is still on house arrest. Kashur is being charged with "rape by deception."