South Orange , New Jersey 6/11/2008 7:57:40 AM
News / Art

How Dubono First Got Published.: She was in a rush to meet HER AUDIENCE.

"A German Diary" by Regine Dubono was renamed "Youth's Hostels, How to travel with a Group on a shoe string budget."

AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEW.  contact Regine Dubono @973-378-5808



French American author Regine Dubono finally decided to be the writer she always wanted to be when she reached age 60.  Although she was about to publish her first book in 1972, her family discouraged her from it, and she followed their advice to follow a career in Chemistry instead.  Dubono worked at Hoffmann La Roche, Schering Pharmaceuticals and Apollo Chemicals. But in 2004, she reflected that at that point in her life, she did not wish to wait for an established publisher, she was too much in a hurry to reach her public and “be read.” So, instead she went on line and was lucky enough to find, the online marketplace for digital content.


She used her sense of humor in choosing for her first book cover a Photograph of herself in her bikini, when she was in her twenty. 


As a result people who knew her then recognized her picture and bought her book.  Some of these friends she hadn’t seen since College days, and she was amazed that they had fnally found her because of that photograph of her younger days.


Dubono’s first enterprise was to start a website where she would write almost daily, and which served as a building block for her adventure at  Dubono was completely computer illiterate and she struggled at first with the technicality of formatting her manuscripts in order to upload them onto Lulu’s server.  But after a year of trying, and with the help of one book designer by the name of Gregory Banks, her book was finally published.  She ordered an ISBN and suddenly, in 2006 her book was on and Barnes & Noble.


Encouraged by her success, Dubono decided to get her son’s manuscript published also.  Her son William Shakespeare Rubel was in India at that time and communication was difficult.  Because William had autographed the copy he gave Dubono:  To my mother”,she decided that she had the right to get it published for him.  By the time William came back from India where he successfully fetched a wife, himself being a Buddhist, Dubono was able to present him with the first draft of his book.


Regine Dubono’s first book was entitled:  A German Diary, because it was word for word the diary she had written about a 1961 performing tour of Germany by the Pegasus Players

Led by the New York Playwright Nomi RUbel a resident of the Lncoln Towers and a frequent producers of her plays at the Lincoln Center Plaza as well as in Off Off Broadway theatres.


The play provides an in depth analysis of the motivation for this particular trip (which led to many others by the playwright), and a first hand account of the psychological

Trauma of travel for the slightly Obsessive compulsive character of the narrator.


You can read free excerpts at

Don’t forget to click on the preview button.


Title of the book:  Youth’s Hostels” subtitled how to travel in a Group on a shoestring budget”  (Because the trip was not

Financed, only the airplace tickets were provided by Dr. Peter

Sammartino, then President and Founder of Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Genre:  Memoir

Format: 6x9 paperback. Color cover, 130pages



Questions for the author cheerfully answered:



Thank you

About the Author:  Regine Dubono lives in Newark, and works

In South Orange, NJ with her husband, an 83 years old Adjunct-professor at Bergen County Community College, Cianci Center, in Hackensack, NJ.  Their children and grandchildren are their greatest source of joy and pride.