Los Angeles 6/16/2008 2:54:06 AM
News / Business

CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS Releases Special Edition Of Safe Streets In Hardcover

Where safe streets programs operate on various levels, one program is generally overlooked in the major cities where it is needed most.

Publisher of liberty books Contrast Media Press has rolled out a Special Cloth Bound edition of Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns.

This is a Special Edition for non-gun owners. Contrast Media Press publishes retail liberty books and also makes its Freedom titles available for bulk purchase.

As the subject of guns on campus comes more into the public attention, one side of the debate must be heard before heads of household determine their own household gun bans, says author John Longenecker. Gun ownership is more than a matter of how to keep a dangerous item around .. So is liquid bleach, car keys, power outlets and matches, but parenting takes the lead in educating their children and supervising them on dozens of items, knowing that one day, their children will be ready to use them all responsibly as they grow up. And that’s the key – not to ban things in fear, but to use them in purpose. 

And gun ownership is more than a right. Safe Streets is a refreshing new take on safe streets and on precisely who is in charge, the thugs and the system, or the citizens. After all, says the author, "You don’t find violence, it finds you, and the idea of disarming citizens only to point to how violent violence can be as a political issue is unconscionable."

"Truly, more than a right," says the Publisher, "This approach is something very important to accept and learn if we really want to live again on safe streets."

"The very decision to own a handgun is more patriotic under our way of life than presuming someone else will protect you, a European point of view," says Longenecker and he says precisely why. "Banning the armed citizen is the end result, it has no place in our system of who is in authority, and is purely a European thinking."

The Special Edition is ". . . a generous helping of welcome insight . ." on the topic of safe streets in identifying a very dangerous trend for all in America working very much against safe streets and a safe America.

With an analysis of the Virginia Tech Shooting and its Panel Review, other gun ban vicinity shootings, many Internet Search Terms embedded in the text, and observations on the gun ban case before the Supreme Court,  D.C. v. Heller.

The Special Edition in Hardcover debuts at online booksellers Monday, June 16th.


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