Atlanta, Ga. 6/16/2008 11:58:02 PM
News / Law

Police Kill Man Who Beat Toddler to Death

A Modesto, California police officer shot and killed a 27-year-old man who refused to stop beating a toddler despite numerous warnings.


The man was initially seen by an elderly couple who spotted a parked truck facing the wrong direction along a country road. They say they saw him kicking, punching and stomping on a young child along a country road around 10:13 p.m. on Saturday.


According to reports several more people stopped and tried to intervene but the man continued beating the child. A helicopter carrying a Modesto officer arrived within six minutes and the police officer ordered the man to stop striking the child but he refused.


The officer then shot the man dead but by the time the officer reached the child he was not breathing. He was taken to a hospital but paramedics’ efforts to resuscitate the child were unsuccessful.


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