Boulder 8/11/2010 2:16:05 AM
News / Entertainment

The Funniest Pet Costumes

I know, I’m posting this in August.  They’re still funny.  The thing that makes pet costumes so hilarious is that the dogs (or other pets) have no idea what you’ve just done to them or why.  Here you are going through all this effort, and the dog must be thinking “I don’t get it.”  Of course the humiliation can be completely mitigated with compensation in the form of food and reassurances that you still love him, that you’re only doing it to get a laugh.  In no way this is a violation of the sacred human/dog bond.  Well, here they are:















biker dog



cool dog


doctor dog


dog abuse


dog bones

dog burgers


dog food


dog frog


dog vather








doggle doggle


doggy the pooh






fish dog


got milk


killed dog


little red doggy hood


police dog


quarter dog




yoda dog