Atlanta, GA 6/17/2008 5:23:19 AM
News / People

Barack Obama Adds Patti Solis Doyle, Stephanie Cutter to Staff

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama named Patti Solis Doyle and Stephanie Cutter to his presidential campaign staff on Monday.

Obama named Doyle as the chief of staff to his future vice presidential nominee and Cutter as the senior advisor and chief of staff to his wife Michelle.

Obama's VP candidate has yet to be announced, but Obama is putting the pieces together for his presidential campaign.

Solis Doyle is the first former Hillary Clinton campaign member to jump ship to Obama. Solis Doyle had a public falling-out with Clinton after she was fired from the Clinton campaign.

Solis Doyle was Clinton's senior advisor to Clinton's campaign, becoming the first Hispanic to ever manage a presidential campaign. She began working as Clinton's personal assistant during her husband Bill's presidential campaign in 1992.

Solis Doyle has deep roots in Obama's core of Chicago. Her first job in politics was on the campaign staff on Mayor Richard M. Daley, a leading Obama supporter, and she has a long friendship with Obama's chief political adviser, David Axelrod. She also is close to Rep. Rahm Emanuel, another Chicago native and Obama confidant.

Cutter served as communications director for Democrat John Kerry’s 2004 White House bid and also has worked as a staffer and consultant to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.).

Cutter worked for Bill Clinton as the Deputy Communications Director at the White House during his Administration and as the Associate Administrator for Communications at the U.S. EPA. She also served as Communications Director for Senator Edward M. Kennedy and in July 2003, Cutter was named Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee.

Cutter's position was a key addition as Michelle has been receiving a lot of negative comments lately.

Obama launched the "Fight The Smears" website, which is located at, in part due to the negativity and false accusations guided toward he and his wife during the campaign trail.

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