South Orange, New Jersey 6/18/2008 8:00:31 AM
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1961 performing tour of Germany, delightful summer reading

A German Diary. or Memoir by Regine Dubono

French American writer, Regine Dubono, a resident of Essex County New Jersey started her carreer as an author by publishing this simple true memoir of a Jewish playwright's tour de force in arranging for performances of two of her plays in 16 German Universities.  She went there as an American Ambassador to start a dialogue with the German youths, and educate them about human nature, telling them of her love for Germany and the German people and about the gift of forgiveness.  She sought to strenghen them and help them rebuild a strong self esteem and a clear and firm ehtical sense, that would make the events of the past impossible to repeat. 


Synopsis of a German Diary by Regine Dubono

Note that the book was renamed:  "Youth's Hostels, or how to travel with a group on a shoe string budget." published for the first time in 2005 by Amazing books editons divines a divisionof, and printed by on the web.

The book is a memoir of a 1961 performing tour of 16 German Universities by the Pegasus Players of NYC.


The diary starts with a performance by the Pegasus Players at Hamburg University of two plays by New York based German American playwright Nomi Rubel.  It ends at airport Ciampino in Italy from where many members of the theatrical group would fly back to New York Idlewild Airport.

  • the actors were alted by the enthusiastic receptions of the German Students at the unversities for "The Lost Voice" by Nomi Rubel.

·        Traveling on a shoe string budget they depended on the generosity of the student clubs to help them with lodging and meals.  Many meals were on free tickets to the ensas, and sleeping was mostly done in youth’s hostels.

·        Which created a problem for the narrator, Queen for she was being separated from her new husband on a trip that was part honeymoon.

·        There are intrigues, subtle love affairs, and the activities and rivalries that are to be expected from a group.

·        This travel book is as much a description of the psychic effects on her mind*as a

·        True descrip0tions of new  travel scneries.   She does give us a glance of some important monuments or other characteristics of some of the towns.

·        There is a surprise visit from Israel by Alex’s father  who has not seen him for 23 years, and hilariousconfrontation with the playwright who ran away with her son.

·        Memorable scenes include a visit to NoMan’s land, a description of the park in Hildesheim, and cousin Hans marvelous glass fish.

·        The characters of Nomi and her concentration camp survivor Tanta Babe are painted in sympathetic colors.

·        The personal style of the writer is most angaging and makes this memoir

·        A delight to read.