Atlanta 8/12/2010 10:45:31 PM
News / Law

Irani woman might now be hanged for murder of husband

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was previously facing stoning for committing adultery but may now be hanged instead for conspiring to murder her husband.

In 2005, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's husband was murdered by electrocution. Now, 5 years later, she is confessing to having a part in her husband's murder. Ms. Ashtiani claims her husband's cousin had "joked" about murdering her husband. He had then proceeded to show up at her house with "all the equipment" necessary, after asking her to send away her two children. After her husband's death, Ashtiani was accused of engaging in adulterous actions while being married. She was sentenced to be lashed 99 times. She was also sentenced to be stoned to death, but after facing an international outcry, her sentence was repealed. Now, after confessing to compliance with the murder of her husband, Ashtiani may be facing death by hanging. Still, there is much speculation about the possible torturing of Ashtiani which may have forced her into confession.