Atlanta, Ga. 6/22/2008 1:06:35 AM
News / Law

Police Raid on Club Leads to Stampede, at least 12 Killed

A police raid on a Mexico City nightclub turned deadly Friday as patrons rushed for the door as authorities entered the building.


At least 12 people were killed and 13 injured as the 500 patrons, mostly youth, darted towards the few emergency exits as police raided the club.


Police had targeted the club after hearing reports that drugs and alcohol were being sold to minors. When they arrived the club owner warned the crowd they would be arrested, sparking a panic. As they rushed the doors at least nine youths were crushed to death. According to reports from police three officers were killed in the melee as well.


Many of the patrons had been school-aged kids celebrating the end of their academic year.


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