Los Angeles 6/24/2008 1:43:19 AM
News / Business

Author and Cultural Observer John Longenecker Designs Patriotic Corporate Social Responsibility Program (did someone say patriotic).

Author and Cultural Observer John Longenecker shows how American Liberty is as vital to the well-being of the planet as the environment is.

Former Los Angeles Paramedic turned Author, Cultural Observer and frequent talkradio guest John Longenecker believes that it doesn’t take courage to change America, but it sure takes courage to keep it.

"This is perhaps the sole reason the CSR Movement is lacking Liberty issues," he notes.

Many businesses understand the CSR Movement as giving back to the community, but is corporate giving defined only by the environment, philanthropy or public relations? How does patriotism fit into the concept of social responsibility and in the idea of giving back?

"It fits nicely," says John Longenecker of John Longenecker Communications, "And it’s long overdue."

"Right now, it’s as if Patriotism is controversial when it comes to corporate outlook and giving back to a community. It is not," he says, and he makes a good case for shifting the thrust of Corporate Social Responsibility over to meaningful corporate giving in terms of extolling liberty values.

"One thing consumers respect is Courage," Longenecker states, " with finesse and a compelling style," and adds that, in a competitive environment of similar products, it’s a unique corporate outlook that distinguishes the company after the Product Quality has spoken for itself over the years. JLC adds depth to that corporate outlook by focusing on Liberty as an essential to human dignity, "And," as Longenecker is wont to say, "nothing puts dignity into human dignity like the Self in self-rule."

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John Longenecker Communications Designs and Coaches Patriotic Corporate Social Responsibility programs with Human Dignity in American Liberty at the forefront of giving back.