Atlanta, Ga. 6/26/2008 4:53:06 AM
News / Law

Death of Pregnant Marine Called Suspicious

The death of a pregnant Marine discovered inside a motel room in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Sunday has been called suspicious by police.


While the body of Spc. Megan Lynn Touma was found over the weekend her identity wasn’t determined until Tuesday due to severe decomposition to her body. Police only discovered her body after guests began complaining to the motel about a foul odor.


Touma, 23, had just arrived at Fort Bragg after spending time in Germany as a dental specialist with the 19th Replacement Company. She had opted to live off base and was staying in the motel while she was trying to locate living quarters.


After finding her body it was determined Touma was seven months pregnant.


Reports have indicated that Touma had been married but divorced in 2007; she was believed to be single when she died.


Military officials are still checking to see if Touma had filed any complaints at her last post. Her deth has been called suspicious.


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