Los Angeles 6/26/2008 10:52:20 PM
News / Business

Cultural Observer John Longenecker Observes The Supreme Court Ruling Banning Gun Bans.

A pattern and practice of abuses of process brought the issue this far: will anything change?

The Supreme Court of The United States has just handed the District of Columbia  another adverse ruling, and not the first for various Trustees, but the next in a long series of adverse rulings against the right of citizens to own and carry handguns. Similar rulings have been handed New Orleans a little while back, ordering the city to return guns confiscated  during Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans defies court orders today by refusing to return weapons taken illegally. This is never a good sign for non-gun owners any more than it is for gun owners.

San Francisco lost its second bid to ban guns as it's ban was found to be unconstituional, too.

Today's decision is not surprising for a few reasons, the first of which is the faming era thinking of how this nation was founded, why and how it endures today if the nation is to survive adversity.

At the nation’s inception, the Colonists wanted to shake off the chains of Tyranny which was comprised of abuse of process and ambiguity in the law of the time. In their freedom, the Colonists knew what they didn’t want any more of in unreasonable abuses and ambiguity. Abuse of process and ambiguity in the law making rule subject to interpretation of officials was the chief reason for the War For Independence. This is beginning to emerge today on various levels, from education content to family law to zero-tolerance to various other corners of our society.

This Independence - or the freedom from excessive official oversight or heavy-handedness - has become an American Value and our way of life here, unique in all the world. The Founders banned abuses of process by making citizen the supreme authority here, and by backing that authority with force, a monopoly on force in fact, and affirming the citizenry's handing out authority as we choose, and not losing any of our own. This is why gun bans are themselves banned again and again. Citizens are in charge, not the officials.

The idea of gun control is a purely European concept, incompatible with liberty, and it is only natural and predictable that gun bans are overturned again and again and again.

Why do trustees, employers and public building ban guns? Because they can – or they thought they could. It’s now illegal.

All the way to the Supreme Court.

For a brief analysis of this pattern and practice against the public interest (and why courts agree) see John Longenecker’s piece at www.GoodForTheCountry.com

For a more in depth analysis and observations on this pattern and practice, see Longenecker’s book, Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns [June, 2008].


John Longenecker Communications designs and coaches American Business on Patriotic Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

See www.FreedomCanProtectItself.com