Los Angeles 6/29/2008 10:18:18 PM
News / Business

Is The Second Amendment Absolute? Cultural Observer and Author John Longenecker Says Yes.. and Why.

Observer shows how there is no such thing as a sensible gun law, not in this country.

Longenecker's book shows how there is no such thing as a sensible gun law, and how and why gun bans are a fake out and abuse of power.


"The Second Amendment to our Constitution was made absolute for several reasons," says observer John Longenecker. "In fact, the Second Amendment wasn’t even written for citizens."

Amid gasps and follow-up from even the most liberty-savvy Talkradio hosts, Longenecker clarifies handily and wins over even gun owners who, themselves, had in an even-handed moment before, imagined reasonable regulations. For the last several years, Longenecker has shown how there is no such thing as a sensible gun law in this country. Not in this country, that is. Longenecker shows how gun control is a European concept totally inapproptiate for the Founders who escaped that kind of thinking at the nation's inception. 

"It’s a fake-out backed by official Force," he says, "and the Supreme Court just struck down a fake-out."

Maybe the time for faking out the People is coming to an end on various levels. Where the peccadillo of abusing powers might have been countered by further citizen political involvement and personal critical thinking, it was immensely facilitated by the D.C. v. Heller win which can now begin to reveal just how gun control is related to a host of other policies which frustrate and vex the American family.

"This is why I oppose gun control so," says Longenecker. "It is a model for the interference with all aspects of our society - all aspects - and goes now beyond the Nanny State into a condition of a deeper dependency on officials."

Let’s get back to for whom the Constitution was written, that part about not being written for citizens, but being written for officials: Like most of the Constitution, it was written on the belief that human rights, personal dignity and Independence predate any document (including our own), that governments do not grant rights, but that officials as servants are charged with the duty to recognize and protect them, and that severe limits are imposed on officials as part of their job. Nearly all of the Document is guidelines and Limits on Officials.

The D.C. ruling affirms this by slapping down the gun ban for the third time for D.C., and applying to perhaps the major cities, too, who have followed the D.C. model.

The significance of the D.C. v. Heller ruling isn’t that it will ban bans, but furnishes the authority for challenging them, and brother, they’re going to be challenged as news reports already show.

The Supremes said that D.C. can’t ban weapons, Now, the liberty foundations are challenging gun bans and we wish them the very best. For us all.

As a reminder, San Francisco lost its ban twice. Both times, it was struck down.

Not only will gun bans not touch thugs who use guns, but bans have been a proven formula for cloning into other areas of messing with our society. "Unwind gun bans and gun control ingeneral, and you can begin to reverse all sorts of adverse programs that have been hurting families, workplace and personal judgment and freedom." says Longenecker.

"When liberty fearing officials take aim at crime, they wind up hitting innocent bystanders, the citizens they are sworn to protect," he adds. "It shows that they have a poor understanding of the nature of the relationship between government and the governed."

Longenecker adds that gun owners are just about the most law-abiding in this country, as they play an important role in stopping crime in the absence of first responders.

Furthermore, for generations, gun owners have been patient and cooperative, even though they know the law is unjust and illegally enforced nationwide. Of course, the final straw is that when the officials break the law (and are struck down all the way to the Supreme Court) it was because the gun owners did not break the law to protect their rights, but invoked it in due process to protect their rights.

Longenecker’s books is Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns [Hardcover, June 2008]


John Longenecker Communications designs and coaches Patriotic Corporate Social Responsibility on the belief that Human Dignity in American Liberty is just as important to the well-being of the planet as the environment is.

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