Atlanta 8/16/2010 10:45:55 PM
News / Law

Obama faces opposition concerning his defense of the Ground Zero mosque

Obama's speech defending the rights of the builders has landed him in trouble with Republicans and many other Americans

President Obama is under fire for defending the rights of the Muslims who support building a mosque near Ground Zero.

Those opposing his view say that Obama was out of line with America when he made a speech a few days ago in which he said Muslims must have the right to practice their religion. In his defense, Obama clarified his comments by explaining that he was simply commenting on the rights of the builders.

The President has refused to comment on his views of the wisdom in building the mosque near Ground Zero. In essence, a fear has now set in supporters that Democrats will surely lose power due to their views on the Ground Zero mosque. However, many people take comfort knowing that Obama's act was purely intellectual and constitutional.

Although original polls were different, they now show that about 61% of Americans support the builders' rights to build the mosque.