Atlanta 8/16/2010 11:26:38 PM
News / Law

Couple stoned to death by Taliban is being called extra-judicial activity

A couple was stoned to death in a crowded bazaar on Sunday in Mullah Quli, a Taliban controlled village. The man was 28 and the woman was 23. They were killed because they were suspected of committing adultery.

However, the killing is being seen as an extra-judicial affair. A tribal council, or jirga, met when the man and woman were accused of adultery. The man was already married and had eloped with the woman, who had been engaged.

The couple had fled the village. The man was then assured that he would not be harmed if he returned and paid compensation. But they were arrested by the Taliban as soon as they returned.

The Taliban wished to create an atmosphere of fear by this public killing. When leaving the stoning site, the Taliban warned villagers that any un-Islamic activity would result in a similar killing.