Atlanta, Ga. 7/1/2008 9:47:56 PM
News / Law

Texas Man Cleared of Charges Related to Killing of Two Suspected Burglars

Joe Horn gained national recognition last November after he shot and killed two suspected burglars who he spotted exiting his neighbors house through a window.


After witnessing the two men in the home Horn, 62, called the police and told the dispatcher what he had seen and that the police better arrive soon or he would kill the men.


The dispatcher urged Horn to remain indoors and not approach the men but he went outside with his 12-gauge shotgun and eventually shot and killed both men.


According to Horn’s attorney, Tom Lambright, the shooting only occurred after the two men stepped on Horn’s property and threatened him. At that point, Lambright argued, Horn had every right to defend himself.


On Monday a Texas grand jury agreed and cleared Horn of any wrongdoing


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